Artificial intellegence in the Chess world

For the longest time the history of chess was man versus man. Just recently in our time we have seen the growth of AI in the chess world. AI began to attrack attention in the chess world when it started to challange some of the top chess players in the world. I thought this topic would be intersting to cover becuase I know very little about chess, and in my MIS class we talked a little bit about the integration of AI in chess and I thought that it looked like a very intersting topic that I wanted to learn more about. I'm not sure how this topic would effect the business world but I am sure that AI taking over proffesinal games like this is something that will definelty pick up in the future. is the biggest chess platform in the world and has the most active players. recently they have been doing lots with AI, they have lots of bots that you can play agiasnt based on your skill level so that you can have a fair challange. You can play agiasnt the best ones as well. In MIS we covered the use of "stockfish" which is an AI bot in that is one of the most famous because of the challanges that it gives to some of the best players in the whole world. has recently in the past 10 years grown a lot because of the recent chess boom around 2020 and 2021. had record breaking numbers of people online playing chess and even crashed the servers during some of the peek playing times. While AI in other proffesinal industries can make its way in easily, a lot of chess proffesionals share the idea that AI wont be able to take over chess because of the human attachment to certain players... In other words nobody wants to root for a robot in a chess championship. This proves a lot of proffesianls theorys that AI is not as big of a threat to games like chess that people think. The main reason for that is because of the attachment to humans that the fans share.